特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Pelosi and Impeachment - There have already been 3 Votes, and they’ve all failed miserably. Here’s why there may not be a fourth - 137 Democrats voted against on the last vote.” @JasonChaffetz @seanhannity Many of those voting in favor will be beaten in 2020!

現地時間 10/18 22:16
「ペロシと弾劾、既に3度決議し、全て惨めに失敗に終わっている。4度目がないであろう理由はこれだ。137人の民主党議員が前回の弾劾決議に反対票を投じたからだ。」 (ジェイソン・チェイフェッツ元議員 、ショーンハニティ) 賛成票を入れた人の多くは2020年に負けるだろう!

Congressman Michael McCaul, “Schiff’s inquiry defies Democracy.” @FoxNews @seanhannity

現地時間 10/18 22:02
「シフの調査は民主主義に反する 」とマイケル・マコール下院議員(FOXニュース、ショーンハニティ)

“Because the House has already voted against the Impeachment Proceeding, the current inquiry is totally invalid. The current sham of a so-called investigation is nothing more than an unconstitutional power grab. It needs to end.” @JasonChaffetz @seanhannity Corrupt Adam Schiff

現地時間 10/18 21:57
今の調査は無効なものだ。偽のいわゆる捜査は、違法な権力掌握だ、やめるべき。」とジェイソン・チェイフェッツ元議員 (ショーンハニティ) 腐敗アダム・シフ。

Corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff is angry that Ambassadors that he thought would be good for his fraudulent Witch Hunt, are turning out to be good for me - some really good! He’s got all meetings locked down, no transparency, only his illegal leaks. A very dishonest sleazebag!

現地時間 10/18 21:28


現地時間 10/18 19:37

(注) ミット・ロムニー上院議員は、シリア停戦に関し、勝利とみなされてるが違うとコメント。


現地時間 10/18 19:29

Think of how many lives we saved in Syria and Turkey by getting a ceasefire yesterday. Thousands and thousands, and maybe many more!

現地時間 10/18 19:25


現地時間 10/18 18:39
[共和党ロムニーが民主党に敗退しオバマ再選。 (トランプ) これは勝つべき選挙だった。そして共和党トランプが民主党ヒラリーに勝利。]

I want to thank Secretary of Energy Rick Perry for the outstanding job he has done. He will be leaving at the end of the year to pursue other interests. Rick was a great Governor of Texas and a great Secretary of Energy.... ....He is also my friend! At the same time, I am pleased to nominate Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette to be the new Secretary of Energy. Dan’s experience in the sector is unparalleled. A total professional, I have no doubt that Dan will do a great job!

現地時間 10/18 15:34
素晴らしい仕事をしたリック・ペリー エネルギー長官に感謝。年末に他の方面に移るため、辞職することとなる。リックは素晴らしいテキサス州知事、そしてエネルギー長官を務めた。彼は私の友人でもある。ダン・ブルイレット副長官を新長官に任命することを喜ばしく思う。ダンはこの分野の経歴で類を見ない人物。完璧な職歴で間違いなく素晴らしい仕事をしてくれるだろう!

(注) ウクライナ大統領への電話(7/25) はペリーの助言で(LNG工場の件) 仕方なくかけたとトランプが言ったとの報道。(ウクライナ問題以前から辞任の意を示していた。) バイデン調査の圧力への関与は否定。

Can you believe I am doing this important work for our Country, and have to deal with Corrupt Adam Schiff and the Do Nothing Democrats at the same time? It was not intended to be this way for a President!

現地時間 10/18 11:51
腐敗したシフや民主党と戦わねばならないことが信じられるか? 大統領がこんな目にあうべきではない!


現地時間 10/18 11:46
[エルドアン大統領 :大統領閣下、人類の最大の敵であるテロを倒せば更に多くの人命が救われるだろう。この協力により地域の和平と安定を築ることを確信している。]

Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey. He told me there was minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. He very much wants the ceasefire, or pause, to work. Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen. Too bad there wasn’t..... .....this thinking years ago. Instead, it was always held together with very weak bandaids, & in an artificial manner. There is good will on both sides & a really good chance for success. The U.S. has secured the Oil, & the ISIS Fighters are double secured by Kurds & Turkey.... ....I have just been notified that some European Nations are now willing, for the first time, to take the ISIS Fighters that came from their nations. This is good news, but should have been done after WE captured them. Anyway, big progress being made!!!!

現地時間 10/18 11:42

The USA!

現地時間 10/18 9:09
(恩恵を受けるのは) USAだ!

Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream! #KAG2020

現地時間 10/17 23:39

Tonight, we forcefully condemn the blatant corruption of the Democrat Party, the Fake News Media, and the rogue bureaucrats of the Deep State. The only message these radicals will understand is a crushing defeat on November 3, 2020! #KAG2020

現地時間 10/17 23:06

The radical left tolerates no dissent, it permits no opposition, it accepts no compromise, and it has absolutely no respect for the will of the American People. They are coming after me, because I am fighting for YOU! #TrumpRallyDallas #KAG2020

現地時間 10/17 22:57

Thank you Dallas, Texas - I love you! #TrumpRallyDallas #KAG2020

現地時間 10/17 22:26

Just arrived at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. Will be out shortly as we wait for more of you to get in! #TRUMP2020

現地時間 10/17 20:21

See you soon Dallas, Texas!

現地時間 10/17 19:22

This is a great day for civilization. I am proud of the United States for sticking by me in following a necessary, but somewhat unconventional, path. People have been trying to make this “Deal” for many years. Millions of lives will be saved. Congratulations to ALL!

現地時間 10/17 14:13

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