特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


“It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president. The complaint suggests that this intel agent was listening in on Trump’s conversation.... ....with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in?” @GreggJarrett

現地時間 9/21 17:47

“The pretend Ukraine scandal is an another malicious seditious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang. Criminal classified leaks and spying targeting Trump - again.” @TomFitton

現地時間 9/21 17:43
見せかけのウクライナ スキャンダルもまたオバマとクリントン連中を守ろうという陰謀なのだ。トランプを標的とした違法な機密情報リークとスパイ行為だ。(トム・フィトン)


現地時間 9/21 17:11


現地時間 9/21 17:10


現地時間 9/21 15:30

Some of the best Economic Numbers our Country has ever experienced are happening right now. This is despite a Crooked and Demented Deep State, and a probably illegal Democrat/Fake News Media Partnership the likes of which the world has never seen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

現地時間 9/21 15:28


現地時間 9/21 14:04


現地時間 9/21 12:57
[マシュー・ウィテカー元司法長官代行:外交政策の違いから内部告発という手段をとったと民主党(ワシントポスト) を批判。]

Now that the Democrats and the Fake News Media have gone “bust” on every other of their Witch Hunt schemes, they are trying to start one just as ridiculous as the others, call it the Ukraine Witch Hunt, while at the same time trying to protect Sleepy Joe Biden. Will fail again!

現地時間 9/21 10:02
民主党と偽ニュースメディアは魔女狩りで自爆が続いたのに、また今度も馬鹿馬鹿しい捏造を始めようとしている。いわばウクライナ魔女狩りだ。そしてジョー・バイデン を守ろうとしている。また失敗するだろう!

This is the real and only story!

現地時間 9/21 8:53

The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, want to stay as far away as possible from the Joe Biden demand that the Ukrainian Government fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, or they won’t get a very large amount of U.S. money, so they fabricate a..... ....story about me and a perfectly fine and routine conversation I had with the new President of the Ukraine. Nothing was said that was in any way wrong, but Biden’s demand, on the other hand, was a complete and total disaster. The Fake News knows this but doesn’t want to report!

現地時間 9/21 8:31

I want to express my gratitude to America’s magnificent @FLOTUS for tonight’s exquisite evening where we celebrated more than a century of loyal and devoted friendship between Both of our nations are blessed by uncommon courage, unfailing commitment, and unyielding character!

現地時間 9/21 0:11

Rachel Campos-Duffy has written a wonderful book for children, “Paloma Wants To Be Lady Freedom.” She and her husband, Sean Duffy, have done so much for our Country. Buy this book - great for the kids!

現地時間 9/20 16:55
レイチェル・カンフス・ダフィ(元リアリティTVタレント) が素晴らしい絵本「Paloma Wants To Be Lady Freedom」を出した。彼女は夫ショーン・ダフィと共に米国に大変貢献している。この本を買ってくれ、子どものための素晴らしい本だ!

(注) ダフィ議員は、妻が心臓疾患のある胎児を妊娠中で、家族のために今月議員辞職する。

Thank you, working hard!

現地時間 9/20 16:35
[支持率52%、ラスムッセン ]


現地時間 9/20 15:36

The Radical Left Democrats and their Fake News Media partners, headed up again by Little Adam Schiff, and batting Zero for 21 against me, are at it again! They think I may have had a “dicey” conversation with a certain foreign leader based on a “highly partisan” whistleblowers.. ....statement. Strange that with so many other people hearing or knowing of the perfectly fine and respectful conversation, that they would not have also come forward. Do you know the reason why they did not? Because there was nothing said wrong, it was pitch perfect!

現地時間 9/20 8:27
アダム・シフ(民主党議長) をはじめ過激左派民主党や偽ニュースメディアの連中は、また私に食いかかってくる!彼らは、完全に偏った告発に基づき、私が外国の首脳と危険な会話をしたかもしれないと思っている。他の多くの人もこの全く問題ない、敬意を払った会話を聞いているのに、それが出てこないのは不思議なことだ。なぜ出ないかわかるか? 何も悪いこと言ってなかったからだ。全く完璧な会話だった!

(注) トランプがウクライナの首脳に対し、バイデンらの不正を調査しなければ援助を打ち切ると言ったと報道された。

Oh no, really big political news, perhaps the biggest story in years! Part time Mayor of New York City, @BilldeBlasio, who was polling at a solid ZERO but had tremendous room for growth, has shocking dropped out of the Presidential race. NYC is devastated, he’s coming home!

現地時間 9/20 8:02

“The U.S. Economy is the envy of the world, as Europe and Asia slide ever toward recession. But the Left is trying to avoid talking about the Trump Economy.” @IngrahamAngle The Best Is Yet To Come.

現地時間 9/19 22:49

Great news. @MariaBartiromo just renewed her deal with Fox. I don’t care how much they paid her, they got a beautiful bargain. Congratulations to both!

現地時間 9/19 22:09

Nice meeting with Mark Zuckerberg of @Facebook in the Oval Office today. facebook.com/153080620724/p…

現地時間 9/19 20:03

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