特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


So cute!

現地時間 7/11 8:25
[John Solomon:ペロシは、財務記録を公表するつもりはないが、大統領候補になるならほぼ間違いなく公表するとしている。(Just The News)]

Roger Stone was targeted by an illegal Witch Hunt that never should have taken place. It is the other side that are criminals, including Biden and Obama, who spied on my campaign - AND GOT CAUGHT!

現地時間 7/11 8:24

That shouldn’t be hard. Corrupt Joe has done nothing good for Black people!

現地時間 7/11 8:12
[John Solomon:カニエ(ウエスト)はバイデンから黒人票を取り戻そうとしているのでは、とトランプ陣営顧問(Just The News)]

John, among others, should have gotten a Pulitzer for exposing Russia, Russia, Russia as Fake News. He was right. The “journalists” who got them were all WRONG. Take back the Pulitzers, which have become a JOKE!

現地時間 7/11 8:10
[John Solomon:私の新刊本「Fallout」が来週火曜発売となる。Just the Newsのファン特典はサイン本や、ロシアゲートに関する質問を受けつける個人セッションにご招待。]

This was just another phony hit job by the @nytimes. They had no source, they made it up. FAKE NEWS!

現地時間 7/11 8:04
[John Solomon:ロシア疑惑の確証弱まる。ロシアの(アフガン米兵殺害への)報酬関連情報は裏付けがないと国防総省高官。]

This man should be extradited, tried, and thrown into jail. A sick lier who was paid by Crooked Hillary & the DNC!

現地時間 7/11 8:00
[John Solomon:英国の裁判所はスティールの反トランプ文書に至った多くのメモの一つから、最低でも5つの不正確、又は事実検証を要する主張を認識。]

Congratulations to A.G. Barr. Law & Order!

現地時間 7/11 7:54
[John Solomon:速報。バー長官が都市部で増加する凶悪犯罪を取り締まるレジェンド作戦(先月カンザスシティで銃殺された4歳児の名LeGend Taliferroより)を発足。]

Congratulations to @seanhannity on a big night, as usual!

現地時間 7/10 21:26
[TV News HQ:テレビ視聴率で木曜 7月9日、ショーン・ハニティのトランプとのインタビューが最高視聴率を記録。]

“Joe Biden, a little out of it, let’s face it, so he is the perfect vessel, an empty vessel, to transform the Country.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews “Destroying your dreams and ending your life.” Ned Ryan

現地時間 7/10 21:11

I LOVE @GoyaFoods!

現地時間 7/10 19:26

(注)ヒスパニック系に人気の食品飲料メーカー。社長Bob Unanueがホワイトハウスでトランプを称賛したことでSNS上で批判され、商品ボイコットの動きがある。


現地時間 7/10 18:49

With Tropical Storm Fay heading towards the Great State of New Hampshire this weekend, we are forced to reschedule our Portsmouth, New Hampshire Rally at the Portsmouth International Airport at Pease. Stay safe, we will be there soon! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/10 13:11

Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status... ... and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!

現地時間 7/10 11:49

On my way to U.S. Southern Command (@Southcom) in the Great State of Florida!

現地時間 7/10 10:57

“Don’t throw the American story into the river, don’t throw it into the lake. Be proud of it.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends

現地時間 7/10 7:51

Mail-In Ballot fraud found in many elections. People are just now seeing how bad, dishonest and slow it is. Election results could be delayed for months. No more big election night answers? 1% not even counted in 2016. Ridiculous! Just a formula for RIGGING an Election.... ....Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to go through a precise process to get your voting privilege. Not so with Mail-Ins. Rigged Election!!! 20% fraudulent ballots?

現地時間 7/10 7:51

Get it done or the Federal Government will come in and get it done for you!

現地時間 7/10 7:43
[Cory Mills:法と秩序を取り戻し、米国最大の都市(ニューヨーク)で横行する犯罪を止めねばならない。(白昼黒人が銃で撃たれる映像)]

Now that we have witnessed it on a large scale basis, and firsthand, Virtual Learning has proven to be TERRIBLE compared to In School, or On Campus, Learning. Not even close! Schools must be open in the Fall. If not open, why would the Federal Government give Funding? It won’t!!!

現地時間 7/10 7:41

The great @LouDobbs has a very important new book coming out shortly. “The Trump Century, How Our President Changed the Course Of History Forever”, looks like it will be a big bestseller. Make it Number 1 for Lou. Pre-Order now at THETRUMPCENTURY.COM A great honor, Lou!

現地時間 7/10 7:35

President Trump Approval Rating in the Republican Party at 96%. Thank You!

現地時間 7/10 0:37

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