特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)



現地時間 10/16 15:33

Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador have all signed historic Asylum Cooperation Agreements and are working to end the scourge of human smuggling. To further accelerate this progress, the U.S. will shortly be approving targeted assistance in the areas of law enforcement & security.

現地時間 10/16 14:44

Senator Rand Paul just wrote a great book, “The Case Against Socialism” which is now out. Highly recommended – as America was founded on LIBERTY & INDEPENDENCE – not government coercion, domination & control. We were born free, and will stay free, as long as I am your President!

現地時間 10/16 14:05

Republicans are totally deprived of their rights in this Impeachment Witch Hunt. No lawyers, no questions, no transparency! The good news is that the Radical Left Dems have No Case. It is all based on their Fraud and Fabrication!

現地時間 10/16 7:46

Our record Economy would CRASH, just like in 1929, if any of those clowns became President!

現地時間 10/16 7:29

95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you! Just won two Congressional Seats in North Carolina, & a Governors runoff in Louisiana, which Republicans should now win! Because of Impeachment Fraud, we will easily take back the House, add in the Senate, & again win Pres!

現地時間 10/16 7:25

“What is happening to President Trump with Impeachment is a Constitutional Travesty.” @GrahamLedger The likes of which we have never seen before. It is Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi who should be impeached for fraud!

現地時間 10/16 7:18

You would think there is NO WAY that any of the Democrat Candidates that we witnessed last night could possibly become President of the United States. Now you see why they have no choice but to push a totally illegal & absurd Impeachment of one of the most successful Presidents!

現地時間 10/16 7:10

We now have the greatest Economy in history!

現地時間 10/15 23:22

A great group of Champions!

現地時間 10/15 23:16

Looks good to me!

現地時間 10/15 23:15
[ダン・スカヴィーノ:信頼できるムーディーズ・アナリティクスの調査では、2020年の選挙でトランプ楽勝との予想(CNBC) ]

Shifty Adam Schiff wants to rest his entire case on a Whistleblower who he now says can’t testify, & the reason he can’t testify is that he is afraid to do so because his account of the Presidential telephone call is a fraud & totally different from the actual transcribed call... .... It also brings Shifty’s fraudulent MADE UP CALL, which he read to the United States Congress pretending it to be the words of President Trump, which they were not! Nancy Pelosi is involved in this fraud in that she confirmed his fraudulent words on @GMA, and much more!

現地時間 10/15 22:21
狡猾なアダム・シフは、内部告発者が証言ができないとしてこの件を終わらせたいようだ。証言が出来ない理由とは、告白内容が偽物で実際のものとは全く違うからで、これにより、シフが会話をねつ造したことも浮上したのだ。シフは大統領の言葉だと偽り会話内容を議会で読み上げたが、実際とは違うものだ!ナンシー・ペロシも、シフの言葉をGMA(ABCニュース) で認めたという点等により、この詐欺に関与している!


現地時間 10/15 18:34

The @StLouisBlues amazing comeback reminds us to never give up - and never lose faith. When you work hard, support each other, believe in yourself, and give it everything you’ve got, victory is always within reach! #STLBlues

現地時間 10/15 16:05

Congratulations @StLouisBlues!

現地時間 10/15 15:58
(アイスホッケー) セント・ルイスブルース(ミズーリ州) おめでとう!

Now that we have found out that @CNN is a virtual fraud, rumor has it that Jeff Zucker will be resigining momentarily?

現地時間 10/15 14:04

Join me in Dallas, Texas this Thursday (October 17th) at the American Airlines Center! #KAG2020 Tickets: donaldjtrump.com/events/dal-tx-…

現地時間 10/15 12:41

Mississippi, there is a VERY important election for Governor on November 5th. I need you to Get Out and Vote for our Great Republican nominee, @TateReeves. Tate is strong on Crime, tough on Illegal Immigration, and will protect your Second Amendment.... ....He loves our Military and supports our Vets! Get out and Vote for Tate Reeves on November 5th. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

現地時間 10/15 11:57

Just out: MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME IS AT THE HIGHEST POINT EVER, EVER, EVER! How about saying it this way, IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! Also, MORE PEOPLE WORKING TODAY IN THE USA THAN AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY! Tough numbers for the Radical Left Democrats to beat! Impeach the Pres.

現地時間 10/15 11:32

Governor @MattBevin has done a wonderful job for the people of Kentucky! He continues to protect your very important Second Amendment. Matt is Strong on Crime and the Border, he Loves our Great Vets and Military. Matt has my Complete and Total Endorsement, and always has!

現地時間 10/15 11:30

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