特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


So funny to watch Steve Kerr grovel and pander when asked a simple question about China. He chocked, and looks weak and pathetic. Don’t want him at the White House!

現地時間 10/11 23:25
スティーブ・カー(元NBA) が、中国についての簡単な質問に、狼狽し迎合するを見るのは実に滑稽だ。彼は言葉につまり、弱々しく哀れなものだった。彼をホワイトハウスに呼びたくないものだ!


現地時間 10/11 22:58

Is he leaving due to bad ratings, or some other less important reason?

現地時間 10/11 22:17

Just landed in Louisiana! Vote against John Bel Edwards, he has the worst jobs record in the United States. Louisiana will do much better by electing a REPUBLICAN. See everyone soon! @LAGOP

現地時間 10/11 19:55

Kevin McAleenan has done an outstanding job as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. We have worked well together with Border Crossings being way down. Kevin now, after many years in Government, wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector.... ....Congratulations Kevin, on a job well done! I will be announcing the new Acting Secretary next week. Many wonderful candidates!

現地時間 10/11 19:46

A terrible and very dishonest person!

現地時間 10/11 19:23

We love you @MinneapolisPD, THANK YOU! #LESM

現地時間 10/11 13:29

Really good news!

現地時間 10/11 11:47

So Great!

現地時間 10/11 11:44

A Giant Scam!

現地時間 10/11 11:40
[マリア・バーティロモ:バイデン は副大統領時代、内部告発者と仕事をしていた、と政府高官。ワシントンイグザミナーより]

Amazing Evening!

現地時間 10/11 11:39

The Do Nothing Democrats. Thanks Vicky!

現地時間 10/11 11:37

Do you believe this? A total Scam!

現地時間 10/11 11:35
[ショーン・ハニティ:クラッパーの同僚チャールズ・マカロー(元国家情報機関) が内部告発者へ支援と助言を行っていた]

A great evening in beautiful Minnesota!

現地時間 10/11 11:30

What a disgraceful legal system for this guy to still be around after all of these years. A vicious killer who destroyed so many great people & families!

現地時間 10/11 11:28
[ショーン・ハニティ:ボストン・グローブ記事「ボストンマラソン テロ犯ジョハル・ツァルナエフが公平な裁判権を求め死刑判決に異議]

Will be with our two GREAT Senators, @SenJohnKennedy & @SenBillCassidy, tonight in Louisiana. These two hard working, really smart men, love their Country and love their State. We will hopefully add a Great New Republican Governor to the beautiful Louisiana mix! See you tonight!

現地時間 10/11 10:27

One of the great things about the China Deal is the fact that, for various reasons, we do not have to go through the very long and politically complex Congressional Approval Process. When the deal is fully negotiated, I sign it myself on behalf of our Country. Fast and Clean!

現地時間 10/11 10:15

I will be in Louisiana tonight (Love it!) to get Republicans to vote for either of our two great Republican Candidates and force a run off with John Bel Edwards, who has done a really poor job of tax cutting, car insurance cost (worst in USA), & is suspect on your 2nd Amendment!

現地時間 10/11 10:00
今夜ルイジアナ(大好きだ!) に行き、二人の素晴らしい共和党候補に投票してもらい、ジョン・ベル・エドワードとの決選投票に持ち込むための応援にいく。 彼は減税でも、自動車保険(全米で最悪) でも頼りなく、銃保持権にも難色を示している!

Good things are happening at China Trade Talk Meeting. Warmer feelings than in recent past, more like the Old Days. I will be meeting with the Vice Premier today. All would like to see something significant happen!

現地時間 10/11 9:49

Over the next 13 months, we are going to fight with all of our heart and soul – and we are going to win the Great State of Minnesota in 2020! #TrumpMinneapolis #KAG2020

現地時間 10/10 22:49

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