特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Congressman of the Great State of Minnesota has done a fantastic job in cutting Taxes and Job Killing Regulations. Hard working and very smart. Keep Erik in Congress. He has my Strong Endorsement!

現地時間 10/23 0:22

We send our deepest condolences to @RepLouBarletta and the entire Barletta family, on the passing of his brother. Lou has been working so hard despite this terrible situation for the people of Pennsylvania. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lou and the entire Barletta family!

現地時間 10/22 22:44

Today’s Democrat Party would rather protect criminal aliens than AMERICAN CITIZENS - which is why the Democrats must be voted OUT of OFFICE! #JobsNotMobs Vote.GOP

現地時間 10/22 22:30

At stake in this Election is whether we continue the extraordinary prosperity we have achieved - or whether we let the Radical Democrat Mob take a giant wrecking ball to our Country and our Economy! #JobsNotMobs

現地時間 10/22 22:13

THANK YOU HOUSTON, TEXAS. Get out and Vote.GOP! #JobsNotMobs instagram.com/p/BpQdWulAVWv/

現地時間 10/22 21:30


現地時間 10/22 21:23
(動画: テキサスの集会中継)

Massive crowds inside and outside of the @ToyotaCenter in Houston, Texas. Landing shortly - see everyone soon! #MAGA Vote.GOP

現地時間 10/22 17:35

Let’s go FLORIDA! Vote.GOP

現地時間 10/22 15:55
[共和党のツイート引用: フロリダで期日前投票が出来ます]

Last day to register to VOTE in Alabama, California, South Dakota and Wyoming! #JobsNotMobs Vote.GOP

現地時間 10/22 15:54

WOW - thank you Houston, Texas! I am departing @Andrews_JBA now. See you in a few hours!! #MAGA

現地時間 10/22 15:27
(動画: 外の大観衆)

The Fake News Media has been talking about recent approval ratings of me by countries around the world, including the European Union, as being very low.... ....I say of course they’re low - because for the first time in 50 years I am making them pay a big price for doing business with America. Why should they like me? - But I still like them!

現地時間 10/22 15:18
…確かに低いが、50年で初めて米国とのビジネスで多額の支払いを私にさせられているのだ。私を好きなはずがあるだろうか? だが、私は彼らを好きだ!


“America: the Cleanest Air in the World - BY FAR!”

現地時間 10/22 14:00
「米国: 世界で最も大気汚染がない国、今のところは!」

“Shock report: US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump’s wall”

現地時間 10/22 13:52
「衝撃の報告: 米国はトランプの壁より不法移民の出産に国家予算を使っている」
[ワシントンイグザミナー記事: 2014年の不法滞在者の新生児297,000人にかかる費用24億ドルは、壁建設予算10年超より8億ドル多い]

Big Night In Texas!!!!

現地時間 10/22 8:58

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador were not able to do the job of stopping people from leaving their country and coming illegally to the U.S. We will now begin cutting off, or substantially reducing, the massive foreign aid routinely given to them.

現地時間 10/22 8:57

Every time you see a Caravan, or people illegally coming, or attempting to come, into our Country illegally, think of and blame the Democrats for not giving us the votes to change our pathetic Immigration Laws! Remember the Midterms! So unfair to those who come in legally.

現地時間 10/22 8:49

Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in. I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy. Must change laws!

現地時間 10/22 8:37

Congressman Tom Reed of New York’s 23rd District has done a great job. He has my complete and total Endorsement!

現地時間 10/22 8:26

Ron @RonDeSantisFL DeSantis had a great debate victory tonight against Andrew Gillum, a mayor who presides over one of the worst run, and most corrupt, cities in Florida. Ron will build on the great job done by Governor Rick Scott. Gillum will make Florida the next Venezuela!

現地時間 10/21 21:49
今夜の(フロリダ知事候補) 討論会で、ロン・デサンティスが、腐敗がフロリダで最も酷い都市の一つタラハシー市長アンドリュー・ギラムに勝った。ロンはスコット知事が築いたものをしっかり引き継いでくれるだろう。ギラムはフロリダをベネズエラの二の舞にする!

Facebook has just stated that they are setting up a system to “purge” themselves of Fake News. Does that mean CNN will finally be put out of business?

現地時間 10/21 18:48

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