特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


I don’t care what the political ramifications are, our immigration laws and border security have been a complete and total disaster for decades, and there is no way that the Democrats will allow it to be fixed without a Government Shutdown...

現地時間 7/31 13:33

.@SenJohnBarrasso has a Primary on August 21st. He doesn’t need any help because he is absolutely outstanding in every way, but I hope the great people of Wyoming will go out and show their support anyway. John is absolutely top of the line & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!

現地時間 7/31 13:13

Congressman David Kustoff has been a champion for the Trump Agenda - I greatly appreciate his support. David is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, Vets and Second Amendment. Get out and vote for David on Thursday, August 2nd. He has my Full and Total Endorsement!

現地時間 7/31 13:09

The Fake News Media is going CRAZY! They are totally unhinged and in many ways, after witnessing first hand the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people, I enjoy watching. In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!

現地時間 7/31 9:34

Will be in Tampa tonight. A big year for @RepDeSantis, who will be a great governor for Florida. Strong on Crime, Borders and our 2nd Amendment. Big help on Tax & Regulation Cuts. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Full & Total Endorsement!

現地時間 7/31 8:21

I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!

現地時間 7/31 8:03
3Dプラスチック製銃のデータの一般向け販売 (公開差し止め命令) の件を調査している。全米ライフル協会には既に報告済みである。理解し難い!

(注) 政府が3Dプリンターで製造できる銃のデータをネット上で配布するのを企業に認めたことに対し、ワシントン州他が反発、公開差し止め命令を連邦裁判所に求める方針。

Collusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion (except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats)!

現地時間 7/31 7:58
共謀は犯罪ではないが、どちらでもよい、何故なら共謀などなかったのだから(ヒラリー・クリントンや民主党を除いて) !

One of the reasons we need Great Border Security is that Mexico’s murder rate in 2017 increased by 27% to 31,174 people killed, a record! The Democrats want Open Borders. I want Maximum Border Security and respect for ICE and our great Law Enforcement Professionals! @FoxNews

現地時間 7/31 7:00

Rush Limbaugh is a great guy who truly gets it!

現地時間 7/31 6:50
ラッシュ・リンボー(右派保守ラジオ司会者) は本当によく分かってくれている素晴らしい男だ!

.@realDonaldTrump walks with Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of the Italy following a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House.

現地時間 7/31 14:59
ダグ・ミルズ(写真家) をリツイート

.@realDonaldTrump pumps his fist after his new Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie is sworn-in by @VP Mike Pence in the Oval Office. At left applauding is Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis. Holding the bible is Julie Wilkie. #Veterans

現地時間 7/31 17:19
ダグ・ミルズ(写真家) をリツイート

....them richer. Their network is highly overrated, I have beaten them at every turn. They want to protect their companies outside the U.S. from being taxed, I’m for America First & the American Worker - a puppet for no one. Two nice guys with bad ideas. Make America Great Again!

現地時間 7/31 6:23

The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade. I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas. They love my Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judicial picks & more. I made.....

現地時間 7/31 6:14
完全に真の共和党の間では笑い者となったグローバリスト、コーク兄弟(共和党最大献金者) は、国境警備強化や貿易強化に反対している。私は彼らの支援を必要としたことはない、何故なら彼らの金も悪いアイデアも必要ないからだ。彼らは私の減税策や規制緩和策、判事指名等々を受け入れている…


現地時間 7/30 22:01
(トランプ支持者作のまとめ動画: ありがとう!大統領より)

A highly respected Federal judge today stated that the “Trump Administration gets great credit” for reuniting illegal families. Thank you, and please look at the previous administrations record - not good!

現地時間 7/30 20:56

Congratulations to our new @DeptVetAffairs Secretary, Robert Wilkie!

現地時間 7/30 18:44

Thank you to @RandPaul for your YES on a future great Justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. Your vote means a lot to me, and to everyone who loves our Country!

現地時間 7/30 18:36

...that Open Borders, large scale Crime, and abolishing ICE is good for them, we must get smart and finally do what must be done for the Safety and Security of our Country!

現地時間 7/30 18:34

Illegal immigration is a top National Security problem. After decades of playing games, with the whole World laughing at the stupidity of our immigration laws, and with Democrats thinking...

現地時間 7/30 18:34

Congratulations to Judge Jeanine on the tremendous success of her new #1 best-selling book, “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals - The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy!”

現地時間 7/30 18:31

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